
Monday, 15 July 2013

Suffragettes, Suffragists & the vintage style rosette...

Those of you who remember my Suffragette post will understand how excited I got recently when I heard that there was to be a re-enactment of the The Great 1913 Suffragist Pilgrimage from Lands End to London to celebrate it's centenary in a small town nearby! 

suffragette pilgrimage

In the week or so leading up to the event in Corsham, Wiltshire there had been a display of Suffrage images, posters & fully dressed costume dummies in a couple of 'pop up' shops and I couldn't resist popping in to see it all.

suffragist dummy
Here's one of the fab dummies put out in the sunshine especially for the march!
(note the Suffragist colours)

I had a very interesting conversation with one of the ladies in the pop up shop who explained that there were two types of Suffrage supporters  - the more militant 'Suffragettes' who wore sashes of purple, white & green and had a tendancy to smash windows & generally cause mayhem and 'Suffragists' who also wanted the vote for women but who went about campaigning in a more peaceful way such as this pilgrimage and wore their own colours of red, white & green to distinguish themselves from their rowdier sisters-in-arms.

Apparently they had a good reception in some towns and in others they were shouted & booed at so it wasn't all plain sailing and at times they faced quite dangerous crowds.  In all the walk took around 6 weeks and they managed to collect something like 46,000 signatures for their petition on the way! The event has been organised alongside a play by a theatre group called Dreadnought South West which has been running in towns along the original pilgrimage route to celebrate their amazing, brave journey - you can find out more or buy tickets to see the play here 

So, with all the excitement this morning I grabbed my camera and went along to watch the re-enactment...

The Methuen Arms, Corsham
It all started at the Methuen Arms... banners at the ready!

The Great 1913 Suffragist Pilgrimage
Then it was time to march through the town!

Oxygen play by Natalie McGrath and Dreadnought south west
A little singing & some rousing campaign speeches!
The Great 1913 Suffragist Pilgrimage tribute at Corsham Wiltshire
'Dr & Mrs J E Crisp' welcome the group to the town just like back in 1913..

We want the right to Vote !

The Great 1913 Suffragist Pilgrimage corsham wiltshire
A sea of Suffragists outside the town hall

I think it was really impressive - don't they look brilliant in their costumes?  It must also have been very hot dressing up during this current heatwave in all those long sleeves & skirts but at least they had hats on! 

national union of womens suffrages societies

It certainly looked like they had put tons of effort into making everything and I learnt that as well as a local knitting group helping to make lots of woolly flower corsages for the ladies to wear, that a local school had been involved in making banners which were dotted about the town.   

After finding out about the event last weekend I had immediately decided on my own little tribute make for the Suffragists with a campaign style rosette....

If you fancy catching up with the march and would like to make your own version of the rosette here's the step by steps...

1) Begin by drawing out 3 template circles on paper to use as the pattern.  You can make them any size you like for bigger or smaller rosettes but I used 10cm, 8cm, 6cm....

2) Pin & cut your circles out in your chosen fabrics (remember its red, white & green for the Suffragist)....

3) Then make a small running stitch along the outside edge of one of the circles...

4) Pull the ends of the thread so that it bunches up like this...

5) Then flatten out like this...
suffragette rosette

6) Repeat with the other two circles of fabric...

7) Then stack them on top of each other like this..
how to make step by steps for a rosette

8) Find a nice large (vintage) button and a needle & thread.. 

9) Sew the button on top the fabric circles to secure everything then simply add a pin to the back and you are ready to join the march!

A big well done to everyone who helped prepare and take part in the march - I think it was a huge success and it got my vote!

Happy Making :-)



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you for stopping by and SO sorry that I seem to have (stupidly!) deleted your original comment by mistake and not undo my action :(

    Your actual comment was... "Fabulous! We joined in at the start of the March at lands' End some weeks ago. So glad to hear that all is still going well with the production and is still enthusing the people.

    If you visit my blog and put suffragette into the search you'll find all my blog posts too!

    Love your button! :) "

    I visited your blog and really enjoyed the suffragette entiries - especially the diary which made for super interesting reading - thank you so much for posting that!

  3. Thanks for sharing these wonderful images, strong women who fought for our right to vote. Huge thanks to showing how to make a rosette, currently making stitched portraits of overlooked women in history and this rosette is perfect for one of them. Thanks again๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

  4. Hi Mel, would it be possible to use some of your fantastic photos in my 6th Corsham Revealed book about the history of Corsham? Regards, Julian Carosi
