
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

October... November... the blog that went MIA...

Oh dear - it seems I have been neglecting my blog a bit although I promise it has very much been in my mind to do an update. I think my to do list has just been very long this last month or so but I have been crafting.. honest!  

Part of the trouble is, the longer you know you haven't blogged the more you feel guilty, and the more you feel guilty the more you try to excuse yourself by saying well maybe no-one's missing it anyway.  I'm sorry *shameface*

Anyhow, to prove I have been crafting away here is a bit of a round up of things I have been playing working with...

So, backing up a little first, September was a blur of 'back to school stuff' and then came October with family birthdays & anniversaries and then Halloween.  To celebrate I put a new tutorial up on my you tube channel for some mini-crochet bunting (I do love cute little crochet things!)

halloween pumpkins crochet instructions

The link to the video is HERE.  

We had so many 'Trick or Treaters' on the night that we pretty much ran out of sweets within an hour!  I loved that all the local mini-kids (as we call them) were out in their witchy, zombie, ghostie outfits - including some of the mums!

Straight after Halloween there was the festival of El Dia de los Muertos aka 'Day of the Dead' - one of my favourites  - and I was inspired to make a colourful eclectic necklace of skulls, flowers, butterflies and charms..

day of the dead jewellery

With Remembrance Day approaching, I also re-did the crochet poppy tutorial and put it on my You Tube channel in the new 'flip book' style HERE

remembrance style crochet poppy

In between I was writing and publishing the Autumn issue of 'PsAZZ News' (support group magazine) and got busy co-ordinating the new 2013 awareness campaign which this year is called 'A Bouquet of Hands' .  It has now been up in The Mineral Hospital, Bath for the last couple of weeks and they like it so much they are keeping it in one of the patient waiting rooms so hopefully it will go on being seen for much longer than we had dared hope!

I was so touched by all the wonderful hands that had been made by group members, their family, friends and other people who had seen the  posters.  Each one was photographed and contributed to the display and I think you'll agree it looked pretty fabulous when assembled...

Newly assembled....

In situ at The Min!

I've also (randomly because I love them)  been making crochet butterflies...

handmade crochet butterfly

and birds...

folk style crochet bird

and, because I decided to try and raise some funds for PsAZZ (so we can get some printing done etc) I've been doing lots of sewing type projects too...

fabric flowers

Door stops...



suffolk puffs

upcycled fabric
More little lavender bags...

and making a few more bits and pieces of jewellery to sell..

beaded earring designs

In between all that I also completed 3 new crochet poppy projects for Simply Homemade Magazine (issue 35)
poppy flower crochet
New poppy trio: a cuff, a ring and a brooch/hat clip of which made it onto the cover

(cover pic poppy...yayy)

Oh my - having loaded all those pictures I think even I forgot just how much I've been making & doing recently!

Right, I'm off to work on a new commission, tackle a few more 'to do's' and then I'll work on a new blog tutorial :)

Happy crafting - whatever you are doing!